Pst pst lftism

 Off-Compass Libertarian Left

Outer Leftism

Ultra Leftism

 Culturally Extreme Left (like Trans Marxism Leninism Maoism)

  Post-Post-Leftism (like this, this)

 Post-Post Left Anarchism

For my part, on a critique of the left, I take a more post-modern approach to it and seek to move beyond the left into the left, creating a new left for myself, and myself alone. I have a similar critique to other post-leftists when it comes to the left, but I see the fundamental ideals of the left as salvageable, even if the rest of the defining features of the left must be abandoned and destroyed, which is why I see myself as creating a new left in addition to leaving the left behind and no longer being a part of the left. To do this effectively, the left, and, indeed, post-leftism, needs to be fully deconstructed.

When it comes to ideology, I see it as inescapable, with the critical-self-theories being ideologies, with many of the problems that come with ideologies coming with them, such as being too confining to thought and theory. Thus I see it important to construct a self-contradictory ideology that rejects all ideologies, including itself. This, indeed, makes leaving the left without abandoning the left completely much easier to justify. Contradictions keep it from becoming dogmatic and confining, as well as facilitating rapid change. To put this paragraph more succinctly, consistency is a spook.

One final distinction for my more post-modern version of post-leftism, which I call post-post-leftism, is that, in many cases, where most post-leftists critique a concept, I abandon the concept altogether, for example I am not anti-civ, but hold that civilization was never a thing to begin with and was only ever a concept used to justify imperialism and colonialism, thus it needs to be dropped as a concept, not opposed.

This is distinct from both u/fuckeverythingever's and u/AutumnLeavesCascade's versions of post-leftism, but that's to be expected and should be embraced. There are as many versions of post-leftism as there are post-leftists, and that's kind of the point.

As I'm newer to the post-leftist game, I have less reading to recommend, plus/u/fuckeverythingever and u/AutumnLeavesCascade took most of the good recommendations, but the one important piece I'd recommend is CrimethInc's "Against Ideology," which is the closest thing to my position on ideology that I'm aware of.


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